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Jazz Pac
The workshop is designed to prepare for you for solo performance in bands, ensembles, and other performing venues within the jazz style. building jazz repertoire and getting familiar with jazz masters,
improve improvisation skills through the application of ear training and harmonic concepts
including intervals, scales, and chord patterns.
harmony, and sight-reading.
melodic and rhythmic phrasing, embellishments, tone color,
hearing basic blues patterns, as well as historical perspective.
Learn how to count off tempos of songs, microphone technique, song style and groove, communication with the accompanist, and lead sheet preparation.
We will study the standard vocabulary of prescribed melodic patterns and rhythmic grooves played by jazz vocalists and instrumentalists, analysis of various recording artists, including Ella Fitzgerald, Sarah Vaughan,
Al Jarreau, Mark Murphy, and others.
study and transcribe a variety of solos, and write original solo assignments.